An Mlm Company Review on Xocai Scam

The home business industry abounds with 100’s of opportunities. In this time of downturn, people are seeking for other ways to add and/or replace the income they once had. Plenty of people ask the question, how do I know if this opportunity is legitimate? Let’s go ahead and dissect this opportunity so the question can be answered “Is Xocai a scam or opportunity”?
What does Xocai Market?

Xocai produces various chocolate products in the form of drinks, protein bars, cookies ,variety packs & more. Having a unique combination, the products are blended with cold-pressed cacao & free dried acai berries. The products are created with various antioxidants and don’t contain fillers, unhealthy fats and preservatives.

What’s Xocai’s Mission?

On average, an Canadian eats around 1 pound of chocolate in a year. With several billion people on earth, that’s a large quantity of chocolate to go around. With so many individuals on the health craze bandwagon and a large number of people that loves chocalate, Xocai Scam is looking to take the world by storm. A business opportunity wrapped around someone’s love for chocalate can be a great formula for success! Although one needs some time to understand the specifics of the comp plan, it can be profitable if one is willing to do the work it takes to market, lead and train a team effectively.

What’s Xocai’s Comp Plan Made Of?

Each Xocai representative has two marketing legs in the comp plan. Each leg can grow as deep as it can. Recruit 2 reps, one on each leg, and you now qualify for commissions on your entire team.
Earn 50%, maximum commission on total volume. You earn money based on total volume of your lowest producing leg.
Do I Still Believe This To Be A Scam?

According to the Federal Trade Commission, Xocai is not a scam.97% of individuals fail in mlm and, well, we know how the other 3% are living their lives.What’s the difference between someone who’s successful and someone who yells scam?The unbeaten individual made a decision to become victorious regardless how many new skills he/she had to learn, created specific short, mid and long term goals plus action was taken to drive forward.
Only you can decide that Xocai is a good fit for you or not. Perform your due diligence as with any other decision but keep this in mind. People aren’t buying your products ,comapny or comp plan, they’re buying YOU!

Branding yourself using the right strategies is essential in this industry. You need a system that will funnel your targeted leads into excited prospects and convert into loyal customers regardless whether you join Xocai or any other MLM company. Learn how to create “YOU Inc” and begin branding yourself as a leader.

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